I wear black casuals. I look bad. And I stammer these days. Then this follows:
Professor: so, why mass comm?
Me: I wanted to do mass communication from the very beginning (what a glib lie!). I don’t wish to switch fields later.
Professor: do you read the newspaper?
Me: it has been a month and a half that I am not reading it.
Professor: (smiles) what are your political views?
Me: if I may say, I am politically blunt.
Professor: (smiles again)
He opens a book and shows me an advertisement.
I see someone with a belly in the poster and it reads: “what if it happened to you?”
Me: I think we should encourage sex education in schools and colleges.
Professor: (shakes his head) look at the ad once again, take your time.
I look once again and see that it’s a man with a belly in the picture.
Me: (blushing) oh! I got it all wrong.
Professor: so, what do you think about this?
Me: unless it happens to you, one remains oblivious of the danger, so I think this one is deep. (smiling)
Professor: when did you get your nose pierced?
Me: oh, this! sometime in May.
Professor: yeah, I noticed the day you came to write your paper.
Me: (afraid that the golden nose thingy will indicate a barashat-sense-of-style I immediately added) I will change this and get a diamond soon.
Professor: ah! Diamond, a woman’s best friend.
Me: (smirks)
Professor: okay, then. Thank you for coming.
Me: thank you sir.