Friday, August 28, 2009

Chapter 1: Paradoxes

Long time ago I thought that we only had deflators, floyd, sequences, limits, dire straits and bits of JU running between us. But now it seems as if one hundred worlds exist and three thousand rivers run between and all the way through us.

Let There Be More Light

I always had colossal faith in Presidency. They brought the patta for us, kids. I did hash with Bob Marley look-alikes. And hereby I have conviction in my faith.

What was I doing all this while? I should have given some effort in Mathematics, at least a decent try to study graphs and game theory in Presidency. Now, no matter how many cups of coffee I order at Promod da’s, how many cigarettes I smoke in their canteen, how many days I bunk university to be at that place, how many amours I have there, I will only get to feel Presidency vicariously.

Across the Universe

What can these oceans, these miles do to us? Does your n-th valediction matter to what we share and what remain of us after all these months? Yes, to an extent it does. For the tea near jadavpur tastes bland without you, the journey back home eerie. The rest of it is just as futile. I sometimes feel that hereafter I will start reading what you like to read, listen to what you like listening to, have the same inhibitions which you have and take this entire concern to such an altitude where I cease to be myself and become a part of you.


Brown looks sexy against black. Black is the jersey, brown being the muck. Football is played best in the drizzle. While watching the History vs. Economics football match the other day reason number 101: why I want to be a boy hit me. I too want some muck on my body, wear black, be on the field, send flying kisses to the girls after a good shot, injure myself, injure some other kids and be a part of the incredible blunder.